Futures Forum
Futures Forum
Week Two - Gamification of Content
A weekly mindshare on innovations, ideas and best practices for the experiential industry.
In this week's episode we talk about Gamification of Content. What we can learn from F2F to apply to Virtual, and vice versa? How can the current virtual necessity be used for future, possibly more hybrid, event scenarios and applications?
The conversation was organized around 4 talking points:
Naomi Clare, Allie Magyar, Mark Dominguez, Ronni Kimm: Let’s talk about the lens of RN vs. Future. How have you been balancing those perspectives? How has this driven why we are gathering in this Forum? How do innovations and frameworks shift in response to unprecedented challenges and why should we be hopeful about the future?
Gary Gonzalez, Amy Blackman, Mark Dominguez, Katy Mull: Esports events are this really unique blend of the live and virtual. How have you seen Esports brands bridge the spatial ‘distribution’ of attendees so that both types of participation are integrated and inclusive?
Clare Brown, Michael Lewis, Justin Boone, Amelie Bahlsen: What are some best practices for Gamification in immersive interpretive environments that you have seen? How are the physical and digital experiences integrated – and how might that be extended to virtual participation?
Denise Cintron, Allie Magyar, Justin Boone, Naomi Clare – What are the best practices for Gamification at conventions, conferences or activations? How have you approached the Virtual participant in past events, and how might that change in the future given our current virtual pivot?
spk_0: 0:00
rocking and rolling Welcome everybody to the second week of futures for him. This is what at my happy times each week there's another one that I have on Fridays with another group of just amazing floats with. We talk about the world that we're in right now. We're just trying to process it on the line it with our understanding of what may come and try checking, find, uh, some insights and inspiration and creativity moments, the math. Let's, um, you know, we've convened in response to this really unique situation that we find ourselves in. And it was something that had been suggested to me initially by Intel team like, Let's just find a way to make timeto get together. And each week we've come together, the grief has just grown and the faces have changed. And it's a wonderful, wonderful thing. So I'm gonna ask everybody just to go ahead and introduce yourself some some folks in there each other and some folks that's, you know, best time to say hi. So, Justin, do you want to start your own life?
spk_1: 1:07
Hey, totally sure. I just in Boone over at Opus Agency. I didn't lead creative strategy for us.
spk_0: 1:15
Great. Awesome. Well, you were recommended by Mary Healy. Okay, Opus A swell, which is, you know, just a huge feather in your cap. Because any given, any friend of Mary's is weapon. So we're really glad to happy there. Thank you. Yeah. And, Gary, you are a Mai Mai left once.
spk_1: 1:39
My name's Gary Gonzalez. I'm the managing partner and director of strategy. Okay, we're gonna market agency up in Seattle, Washington on I think a lot of the reason why I was pulled into this one is we do a lot of work specifically in the gaming in the sport space. That's a niche, for we've done a lot of really cool work so very familiar with intel. For anyone who's intel on hair with a lot of work with a certain predator using II be funding back in the day. So appreciate it and fun to work with you all now
spk_0: 2:07
bosom. And thank you, Amy, for the connect with Gary, as always. Um, good people, just no good people. This is what I'm finding, you know? And that's the wonderful thing about connecting at this time. Is that really gonna? It's introduce friends to friends, so that's awesome. Amy, you want to say hi?
spk_7: 2:25
You're Amy? This is mackerel on and and he just yawned. And his breath smells like Mac role and certainly not cute. And I run a strategy agency call fruition. I d'oh, um, a lot of work with Naomi. Gary, Michael. Ronnie. Um, so lots of overlap for me. Did some work with Intel team that's on here. Um, and a lot of work with Opus, actually, Jeff still Mac, who is the president of Opus, and I worked together at my prior agency. Mosaic and Opus have been incredible partners on the new return on experience study that will be published a CE funded by Marriott Every P C m. A. And it is coming out later this year. So lots of overlaps for me on this call. I'm excited to meet some new folks. Claire, I don't know you, Mike. Why don't you and um yep. See where the six
spk_0: 3:29
listen? It's like synapses firing these connections. I'm so excited, actually, Amy, for you and class connect Thio. Amazing humans that I love. And this is the first time I can't believe it's actually taken this long for you guys to talk to one another and occupy adjacent spaces and zoom
spk_7: 3:49
line up here. So you know what? We can actually, I actually where I am. I'm in Los Angeles. Anything? Oh, yes. Yeah. And it's It's raining and cold, which is why I'm wearing this giant sweater. Even though I mean,
spk_0: 4:01
I you know, that's crazy. Claire, you want to say hi is a little Yeah,
spk_8: 4:08
sure. Um, do
spk_5: 4:10
you hear me? OK, with my air traffic controller. Headphones on? Yeah. Hey, um
spk_8: 4:16
um thanks. Uh, so my name's Claire, and, um, I'm currently the creative director for the Washington D. C. Office of Gallagher and Associates with which is an exhibition design firm, Um, that has offices in New York, Portland, Oregon, Singapore and D. C. Um, I was brought on by Michael G. Lewis, who on my screen is in the bottom corner. Um, and he'll introduce himself more when it gets to him. But now me and I know each other through a whole bunch of different avenues. Um, we taught together for the Corcoran Graduate Program in exhibition design. We've designed exhibits together. We've done our of peas for crazy projects together. Um and, um, yeah, I think it at my core. I'm I'm an experienced designer. Um, have a background in cultural anthropology and theater. And yeah, I love these kinds of conversations, So I'm excited.
spk_0: 5:21
That's actually studying for a doctorate in experience. Design some. I'm gonna get to call him Doctor. Dr. Braun.
spk_8: 5:31
Dr Brown. Just like the
spk_5: 5:32
soda family. Thanks. All right. Yeah. Oh, sorry. E thought she said alley family, but for Emily E. I'm part of my mom, Liam, part of Naomi Steam and helps Mobile at with Claire's. Well, who was both may owe. Me and claire were faculty in the exhibition program. So I poss murders there and then kept on continually. Likely. Andi. So, yeah, I work in if you're in strategy with Naomi and, um, a designer by trade.
spk_0: 6:16
You wanna go down across? I wonder how we do this. Michael, why didn't you say hi? Michael clocks the
spk_9: 6:24
xperia. Thanks for including me. So, Michael Clark, Uh uh, run the beauty, marketing and customer geyser events for Marriott International for the global sales organization specifically focused on at the Americas. And, uh, my experience really is met with Naomi and Amy in this past year bringing, working on the future trends of meetings and events and bring those to life through all of our readings. Events. I'm I don't know if, uh, you know, we're obviously our industry is being significantly impacted right now. So the things that we're trying to do to make sure that we're staying connected with their customers was extremely vital, especially with the next, uh, you know, three or six months, you know, as they're looking, exploring new ways. Now you say connected. But you know where they're moving their meetings and events in those kinds of things. In addition to dealing with, um, a significant furlough of, uh, about 80% over global sales organization. So, um, you know, it's, uh, I feel blessed to be in a position to step up, to really help the entire team and looking forward to sharing ideas and collaborating and see what we can find. Some potential tools that help my peeps up.
spk_0: 7:47
Yes, I think we will. And there's lots of brilliant minds at the table to help uncover some ideas You want to say Hi, Katie.
spk_5: 7:58
Hello. I'm Katie. I am a part of the story craft lab team with Naomi and Emily, um, whom I also originally met. Having gone through the cork and program. A master is an exhibition design designer, Claire, too. Um, and my background, as far as like storytelling goes, is within exhibition design and also video production. So it's the story.
spk_0: 8:23
Okay. Hi, honey. This is the first time we get to me another new face. I'm glad you're here today.
spk_6: 8:31
I think you know it's so nice to me, eh? Oh, it's nice to meet everybody. Um, I am finding that I'm sure you guys have experienced this despite all of the like isolation on dhe. You know, zoomed time. I am meeting a lot of really incredible people I wouldn't have otherwise. So this is one of those those instances of it, and I was invited by Amy. I'm also in Los Angeles. I made the guy's in a lot of these. The Swath. I am the founder of a studio called Collective Future. And so our practice is really based on three key elements Oneness, future visioning. And so we help our clients and different organizations really think about the future in a way that they could deal with, and that could be anywhere from, you know, 1 to 2 years out to 10 to 15 years out. And part of how we really think about these futures is, too. Um, really, it's really about helping organizations to think about what's possible. And it's It's about possibilities in the context of accelerating change, which obviously we're all dealing with, you know, now more than ever. And that can include everything from different kinds of consumer behaviors to, you know, emerging tech acknowledges and waste of working and thinking. And so we incorporate all of that into the work that we d'oh and we storytelling. So it's kind of amazing that there's so many storytellers here till help make sense of that and to really help communicate what those creatures could be like. Um, and to really explore the possibilities within different kinds of, uh, scenarios of different kinds of stories. And then the last part of what we do is we have a strategic transformation piece, which is about not just having the great ideas but helping organizations really. Then take that and translate that in ways that they could deal with. So that's everything from figuring out how to prioritize these visions All the way to thinking about how you can get people within your organization either stakeholders internally and or externally, to understand what these what these visions are about and had it howto, uh, you know, do something with them. So, um so thanks for inviting me. It's a really crazy time to be thinking and talking about futures at all. I think it's ah, it's, you know, there's so much to unpack and try to figure out, so I'm happy to be here.
spk_0: 10:56
Just thank you. So, Allie, in your post pellet on blow there I've
spk_2: 11:04
been I've been bribing my my dog. His name is peanut. Um, normal. He snorts Colombian your myung calls, but it's nice to meet everyone for those few that I haven't met. Um, I've been in the events industry over 20 years. Naomi and I met when I owned an agency and I was planning Microsoft. Ignite has the logistics sleet and snow. Nah, me and I got to collaborate over the years on reimagining what Microsoft programs could look like on since then have gone on to found an event technology company, huh? That focuses in events so really excited to be here and be learning from all of you as we sort of figure out our new way in this world.
spk_0: 11:50
Awesome. Thanks. Happy. Hey, MK I Naomi, I For those of those facts that don't know, Mark, do you want to introduce yourself? So
spk_3: 12:05
I'm Mark Dominga isn't within total cooperation work on their corporate marketing. Our corporate events team, if you will, um, predominantly folksy on internal events for the past 15 years. However, we're going through a transformation. And ah, we've combined our internal events organization with our external marketing events organization, So we're transforming how we do events that approach events internally. Um, I've primarily focused on, um, you know, the events set up technology, um, pushing the envelope on, um, you know how we deliver experiences, how we delivered training at events. So I've worked in many different capacities were the past 15 years, and then I've got a colleague is trying to get on Denise Cintron, who is having a tough time getting in. So she's that was a senator picture of the link so she knows what to click on. And so, um, she may join a little later but I'm really interested. Just a here. Ah, the thoughts and ideas out of these forums because it helped us take things back, uh, into intel, because often we think we know best. And I know for a fact that we don't always know best. And we love to hear different insights, thoughts and ideas to help this transform.
spk_0: 13:33
Awesome. Thank you. On Michael Lewis. Thank you for patiently waiting.
spk_4: 13:40
Oh, God. It's been thrilling challenge to see when it would be my turn, so yeah. Hi, everyone. I'm I'm glad to be here. Excited to be here. I'm very curious to see what this meeting's about exactly and how it goes. Um, as Claire mentioned, I worked with her at gallery Associates were exhibit firm, which means that we do lots of experience design exhibition designed primarily for cultural institutions for increasingly a variety of private and corporate clients. Um, I am relatively new to that world. My background is in a variety of digital creative agencies and tech companies, and I don't know any of you, except for Claire. Um on I've only known Claire for a little while because I recruited her. So, um, I'm excited to see her operate here to talk about and hopefully something exciting Time to move forward with these kinds of conversations.
spk_0: 14:45
Yeah, thank you. You know, I think that's that's the hope is Well, this is a fine finding a moment to be excited and inspired in what would be a challenging experience finding that opportunity, right? You know, aunt to innovate. And, um, you know, I I had I know that I had sent out ahead of the coals from conversation starters. And I think the way that we'll try and give the conversation a little bit of structure just cause, you know, the group is that it's a It's a happy group of 12 right now, but that's still a lot of voices right on. I want to make sure that we all get to kind of touch Johnson points, and we can always continue conversations fair there, that really kind of spark a lot of dialogue, you know, And I think Ali and Mark and and Runny. We've started to touch through our introductions today on some of the things that I wanted to open up with, which is kind of why we're here, and it's really to try and kind of find inspiration and innovation that we can be ready to apply when the world finds its feet again because it will on when it does, we're gonna be busier than ever. Right on the landscape might be slightly different. So you know, this lens that we bring to our conversation today is Teoh. You know, I think we have to balance between the extreme situation that we have right now and the end of OMG. What do we do in the immediate sense with stepping back a little and thinking, you know, what does this mean for the future running? That's why I was so excited that you're joining us today as a as a future Casta. I wasn't entirely sure what that meant, but your your explanation was great. I'm excited to that. So I wanted to askyou festival, you know, why should we be hopeful about the future right now?
spk_6: 16:40
Uh um, that's a huge question. I'll do my best to try to, um At least give me my points of you want. And I mean, I think it's, you know, it's all we have, right? It's like we have to be a fool to think about the future in a way that allows us to deal with it. And I think that's what everyone's really grappling with and, you know, kind of struggling with right now is trying to understand. How do you think about the future in a context where everything seems to have changed? Um, and where, you know, nothing seems certain, Right? So all of the things that we had Ah, as you know, I think the things that we had understood is known Zaurus Givens have kind of been shifting under our feet. And so I think that it's, you know, both a time of great uncertainty, which also breeds so much creativity and possibility. And that's the way I've been choosing to look at it. I know that there is, Ah, it's, uh it can be hard to balance, Um, with all of the just sort of personal uncertainty that I think everybody is dealing with and sort of organizational uncertainty. And I think actually, I was speaking with Amy the other day and she had this really great point, which was that you know, people have different time scales in which they're able to deal with some of these questions, right? And so you've got She brought this whole idea of mass loves hierarchy of needs, which I think is exactly right. You know, they're certain, like, basic elements of, um, of survival and, you know, safety and things like that that has to be dealt with. And then you can start to think about some of these higher level orders of ideas. And I think that's true for not just us as individuals but also in terms of organizations. Um, you know, the organizations that we work with and for, And so I would really invite that conversation as well, because I'm really curious to hear where people are in their own thinking in relation to, you know, this idea of future. So for us, we tended to go further out into the 5 10 year mark. Um, and I think that's actually more critical than ever. But I also recognize that there's a lot of fires that people are trying to put out, and there's a lot of just really immediate, you know, um, assessment and trying to understand that we're doing. But having said that, once all of the you know, once things begin to settle. Um, I think that the immediate next question is now what? Right and that Now what is how I think about the future? It's like it's tomorrow, you know? And it's a process. I always say, You know, the future is in a place, it's a process. And so there's always this this act of, um, actively engaging and trying to determine what are the futures that we want to get to
spk_0: 19:30
as awesome. Mark, I know that you are, um, you're balancing a transformation on a number of friends right now, right? There's that kind of mandate internally intel, that kind of look, a transforming structures. And then there's this transformation of mandate that the world has dropped in my lap with it. 19. So how are you balancing your perspectives of that kind of the right now versus the further down the railroad future? That the end process that run he's talking about
spk_3: 20:01
S So it's It's interesting, said the right now is really reactive because we're dealing with internal gaps that we had, such as virtual environments for externally facing events. Right? So we didn't have ah, they didn't exist. So there's efforts underway. It's kind of a diving catch or re ah, positioning some of our internal platforms that it can ah interact with and be available to the external markets. And then there's the whole process is because virtual events really weren't appealing. Thio A lot of our marketing folks right, however internal, um, training, you know, uh, we leverage it heavily, so there's a lot of that that's happening. But toe point Irani was making with the transformation effort that was underway pre cove it 19. We saw the need for this US A. An event strategist, event architect role. And we've actually created those. Now what we're doing is we're trying to frame up the actual, uh, scopes within. That does do. Do the architects of strategists work event to event? Or do they actually take that vision of that 15 tenure outlook in that industry for those event types right and the markets that they're trained to serve? And that's an active internal dialogue right now, as part of the transformation efforts.
spk_0: 21:35
Awesome. Ali, We were chatting earlier a couple days ago. Several fits several over the course of several days, really about the journey that we've been on thinking about virtual and how we started in the space of we really don't want to be here, right? You know, this horse situation is not something that we asked for. Um and, you know, Mark, you had mentioned that virtually previously wasn't so appealing to marketing folks. Right? So l am. And curious. Maybe you control a little bit about the kind of roller coaster, the arc of acceptance. And yeah, well, I think
spk_2: 22:13
if there's one thing about meetings, professionals, it's that we've always had to respond to emergencies and be agile. So thank God for all the training. You know, they're all our careers because I think, yes, it is not something that I feel. I think it's frustrating for a lot of people because back in 2008 when everyone said virtual was happening, uh, the platforms really haven't evolved over the last 12 years. And so I think people are worried about in person. Events continued to happen because of that in connection element. And so I've been gaining a lot of inspiration from these conversations, just talking about how do we look at continuing that human to human connection, even if it is virtual. So I think we really have to think about the goals and objectives of why we're hosting events in the first place. And we all know that Webinars weren't the number one tool. That marketing hat is a source of Li Jen or sales pipeline movement. And so I think it's a challenge for us to really think about how do we re create that in person experience, combined with content in a way that's meaningful for organizations. And I spend almost all day, every day on the phone with a variety of different customers, mainly in corporate high tech, and I think everyone's trying to figure that out right now. And I think we're trying to figure out the balance to of so many people are working at home and for the next month, probably maybe a little bit longer. You know, what is the attention span actually look like? Like, what can we actually do in the next month that would help us to move business forward because we have some customers that are in New York, and the other element of this, and similar to what everyone has said today is a lot of furloughs. Air happening so literally. Teams are being changed overnight and they're being reduced from 10 to 1, or and so it's it's, um I think it is something that we have to really think about. Oh, do we spent a long term course and think about what we want to use this time for, for really innovating and thinking about how to change hands in that human connection. But I think it's also short term in terms of really figuring out what's achievable and how we try to make up for some of that lost marketing mo mentum inside of events as well.
spk_9: 24:32
Hey, can I come in on that?
spk_0: 24:35
Yes, certainly think
spk_9: 24:37
really think what's gonna be extremely important is our notion of emotional intelligence over the next, you know, in in the short, Sure a minute long term, uh, in terms of no, because work work, we're gonna enter a phase where we have we have the brave and we have the not brave and the brave were the ones that they're going to want we even face to face and you're have the non brave. That's still no, I'm still scared to go out there. The transformation of the transformation is gonna be in the engagement about how we're able to bring those that are wanting to go to the live, But those that are still floating out there. Okay, you aren't willing to tip their toe in the water yet because, you know, is is coming gonna be present in a hotel room, or is it gonna be president? A meeting room and those So I think, uh, I think the really knowing where our attendees are on that emotional level. Okay, as we're planning this offensive in the short because, you know, I really don't think I don't think that brevity is really going to start to happen, probably for another 90 day period that people are really gonna get. You know, that's just what we're gonna do. We're gonna look at it for taking a look at, uh, the number of events where they're being are the time frames that they're being relocated to, you know? So I just really think that, uh, really knowing knowing our tent cities on that deeper level is gonna be so critical over the next, you know, short term.
spk_0: 26:16
That's right there. Kind of cut thio run his comment about the process nature of the future rate and how we're gonna have Thio on my over later. That is thinking about how we use empathy during that time to really get to understand the mind frames of our participants and attendees. And look at those hybrid scenarios, Right? So this kind of comes back right now to get business done. We're looking entirely virtual. Then we've got that kind of three months point on the timeline where we're looking at, you know, kind of helping people alone to feel comfortable on. Then once you know, we find our feet again and that the needle tips towards more people comfortable than not. Still, I think we're looking to how we connects action both virtual on dhe life participants at events in a meaningful way. And that's actually where I think, Gary, you're gonna be able to offer no, just some wonderful insights, but also a little bit of reassurance, I think, to fix in the experiential side of things, Amy pointed out yesterday. And she's so right that if he sports has been doing this great, you sports has been blending that live and virtual participation. I think there's a lot that we can. I love for this. I'm gonna move us along because I know that we only have a limited amount of time to the next section of the conversation. And at Katie is if you could could lead in with some of the questions you have.
spk_5: 27:50
Sure, Yeah. So there's a lot of inspiration and insight we can gain from EA Sports events, a CZ there, this really unique blends of the live in virtual on and they've already been playing in this arena of mixing virtual and physical experience within an event space. So the question is, you know, how have you seen the East Boards? Brands approach both types of participation so that its integrated and inclusive
spk_1: 28:23
and I'm I'm happy to jump in on and kick things off. It's really is a very interesting time for us, kind of being in the game in the East for space. We went from being pretty much virtual only for the last, you know, since theeighties seventies, when gaming really picked up to in the last three years tipping into the mainstream, and I'm seeing a lot of fire elements that are quote unquote mainstream, seeing Overwatch the Ghana ESPN or turning, you know, seeing the League Legends Bowl Championship Series featured on the front page of the British news broadcasts. It's pretty crazy, but the think the key takeaway for us is we started in a virtual area, which is really cool. We're online all the time, and we had all this amazing technology over the past 5 10 years, which allowed us to create events with a digital only project presents. So the biggest of those is going to be streaming. The rise of live streaming from twitch and mixer has been huge. Of the cool part is, we have these integrated iroh and digital events. So when you look at the top tier professional gaming events, they take place in a physical location. They have people come. It's very much very similar to a music festival atmosphere there. But the entire lot of event is Bill what the purpose of Bacon broadcast. And that's because the gaming audience still is mostly digital, so you can take the world of, uh, leave legends World championships. It's the biggest Eastport that exists. You look at their world championship Siri's and you'll have, you know, maybe tops 100,000 people come and attend the championship series in stadiums. But you look at the broadcast. They're reaching 100 million people or higher throughout the World Championship Series with these broadcasts. So it's really this idea of building additional first ecosystem and then using those sparingly using those in real life events to really have a culminating mark Heat moment there. It's a model that's worked really well for us. There's only continuing grows up, the technology, underlining It is huge. And I think there's a lot of opportunities in future
spk_0: 30:19
digital first ecosystems I want we're doing a digital first boot camp.
spk_5: 30:30
Yes. Um, another question I had was, um, for Amy and Mark. I heard that you both were involved in the thinking and development of Of of a virtual reality escape room experience. I'm curious if you could kind of elaborate more on the on the development of that, the process and kind of the considerations that were involved
spk_7: 30:55
s o to build off what Gary said. I think this does. This has been my thesis along coming straddling the experiential marketing content, branding on dhe, then now business events, meetings and events, World um is the X m sort of looks at live events as a production spend for digital assets in the same way that gaming in any sports does? The the only difference is Game East worth it. I'll t I R l In the same world, It's stuff is built and intentionally meant to be repurposed for a whole slate of creative assets and content that will be used after the event to amplify and extend the life span of the event across the digital space. So when I got into sort of, ah, more hard core business event space and I saw, like the idea of a, um a digital capture of an event was was really, really poor quality. It was a talking head on a terrible looking background way too long. No edits, terrible lighting. And I've sort of been, um, voicing that you guys are really squandering a tremendous amount of valuable and monetize herbal I p for not thinking broadcast first in your life events. So it's it's really parallel to what Gary saying, except that like these are things we can capture, own and use later as chopped up pieces off content, and I feel like that is going to help the meetings and events space bridge the gap, whether they're internally facing or externally facing. Two. Just upgrade the quality and the sizing of the content. You know, don't release an entire hour long keynote. It's too long. No one's gonna watch it. Chop it up. Make it snack herbal. Hate that word. But I used it. Um, caption it and it put some cool graphics may get share of all. These are pieces of knowledge that then could be disseminated Thio again the hundreds of millions that Gary is talking about. Um, so it's a similar approach, just a different timeline and how we use this digital content and straight up Katie, I know I didn't after a question, but I find that it's a big part of that. I ran a multimedia design agency, and I hate BR, so I would always try to, like, encourage clients and asked, Ravi are away from it. So I'm gonna skip over that question and keep talking about the broadcast quality content play, I think, is something really important that we can help educate associations and corporations on how to use more smartly.
spk_5: 34:05
That's great. Inseparable. This is a word. Used it anyway. That's a really good segue way she talking about PR. And since I know Claire may owe me, Katie and I have, like, a talk last week and talked a little bit about the idea off how engagement Gamification will change in experience. Design of museums and institutions off the co bit. And after going from something super tactile, you're still digital
spk_0: 34:41
from time to time.
spk_5: 34:43
But now, is this gonna go away or what? You thought maybe you and Michael could share some Just some thoughts. What you've been pulling about how your experience design field in practice might change
spk_1: 34:58
after this is all over our enduring.
spk_8: 35:04
Uh, okay, that's a
spk_0: 35:05
spk_8: 35:06
topic. Um, Michael Lewis jump in. If you If you have any thing to please, please don't.
spk_4: 35:16
You start.
spk_8: 35:18
Well, okay, so I think I think exhibition design and you know me exhibitions and experiences with in museums have some different expectations than events. Um, in meetings, right. So it's not It's not grossly different. It's not wildly different, but I think that they're, um there are expectations around, For instance, family group participation and the audience groups might be formed, um, out of, like school groups and families and mixed age groups, um, as opposed to people coming with, like, a specific interest background, um, or a specific professional background. Um, and so you know, if you look at museums that operate, most museums operate with an angle to encourage family interactions with things. And so that becomes really tricky when, if we live in a world where physical proximity to each other might induce anxiety and tactile interactions might induced anxiety and a world where, even if something is not hacked PAL, manipulable or Anil, we often two screens, right? And so their touch screens. So that's another tactile. So I think I don't think we have any concrete answers yet, but I do think it's something that we're thinking about for museum environments. About what? What does it look like? If you don't want people feel afraid? How can we encourage people to to cluster in a productive way? Because most of our experiences are meant to be communal, there's there's, you know, with the exception of perhaps like, you know, high art Fine Art Museum's most museums are engaging clusters of groups. Clusters of visitors? Um, I don't know. I don't have answers, but it's definitely a concern because very nature of the type of experiences we create really involves interaction. No, Michael, what do you do? Your thoughts?
spk_4: 37:30
Uh, yeah. I mean, I think right now we think at slightly different scales in terms of the balance of that sort of nearer term, longer term strategizing that Allie was talking about before where I said, it's all longer term. Right now. It's all two years and plus right. There's other folks we're handling, like the interim and systems things. Everything is about. What will be in two years is our estimate for like when it's it's responsible to start saying like we're past Cove, it hard realities, right? And two years and beyond. We we just go with the working assumption that it will be as it is now that what's happening is that there's an acceleration in the adoption of all kinds of digital practices like this among folks who would not be adopting them. At this pace, none of them are new. Necessarily, when you talk about East sports being a digital first broadcast first, that makes a lot of sense for an event like that, Israel to be new there, but that's what the Super Bowl has been through. I think this is about a re application toleration in corners and towards audiences that maybe haven't been at the front of the curve here. And so, like one thought experiment we talk about when When I talked to folks about this, I will What if what we're going through now wasn't caused by a virus? What if it was like some great international holiday so that you didn't have the like a terrible dimensions? You just had the behavioral aspect of it, right? And you imagined this holiday is gonna go on and on and on. I want to think about like what? That behavioral stuff in eyes and implies that, like everything that we do on the physical experience side comes with as the pressure to be as accessible visually in the way the East boards are as as everything else. And at the end of the day, um, for us it's a it's a plus because it's clearly saying, like everything we do is about communal experience and shared experience. Um, anyway, Hitler cloying have getting more shared experience it better for us. If they're trying to do it digitally, that's better for us. If they're trying to do it physically, that's better for us. The more behaviors there are in our offense is where they're trying to reach each other, the better it is for us, and that is really important because when you're talking about cultural institutions, last people don't want to go have that shared experience. It's a little late, but Michael was saying about having the courageous of the brave and the not gray going to a cultural institution. Going to experience like that requires either cultural literacy or bravery and for a lot of people very uncomfortable. So it is similar to this moment that we're in now because people don't want to go right. But they're getting comfortable with these kinds of tools. They're getting comfortable with these kinds of forms, these kinds of digital share connections, and we hope that's away from those folks who would never step into our doors in your life to step into our doors digitally and then step enjoyed. It wasn't so. You know it's a catalyst, and we just think about not trying to waste the crisis of it. Um, and what could you do? I don't know what we do to get ahead of it just right now, Try and get our arms around making the most of it.
spk_8: 40:47
And I think just to add on to that, because I think my God answer started to be around our audiences. But I also think that another aspect of the futures of this actually has to do with how we work, you know? And so what Michael was talking about, You know, we get people in the door virtually, and that's a stepping stone to getting them into the door. Physically, I think in the same way where we're being thrust into scenarios right now, where we are collaborating, virtually using tools that we kind of we put aside because the learning curve might have, we might have felt like that was too much. We had that same anxiety about getting into it. I think you know before and we're now diving headfirst into new collaborative tools that actually are gonna probably change the very nature of what it is that we create to
spk_4: 41:40
We're not going back, right. Like I'd love to get into a room. My probably clear as soon as humanly possible. But I don't expect that's gonna happen for six months. Maybe or more. We're not that far away. And we're not gonna go back to the reality from before. So we don't expect our visitors are attendees to go back to their realities. Either Receive me that everything that happens now is behaviorally of building on top of what people do, hopefully minus the fear
spk_5: 42:07
and everything about this kind of change behavior. Justin, I am wonder if you can share some thoughts, is there? Do you have, like, some best practices, or have you worked so far on things like Like can prepare your attendees from, like, the creative strategy standpoint for evens kind of thinking about how to work with the attendees after Cove? It is there things that you know, extend the virtual pre vent and posted, and nephew has some like salts around there.
spk_1: 42:46
You think you know, obviously it's so many people are saying those ramifications next and Barbie on where we are today, right, and everything that we're learning in this moment is incredibly valuable, and we will put to use, but for me, and how I started to position this with clients and how it shipped to teach. To think about this internally is to stop focusing on creating virtual depends and in fact, remove the word event altogether. Because to me, we're all focused here on experiences, right? Several of you are experienced designers come from I kind of experience architecture. We'll celebrate that notion, that idea. And if we eliminate the word you've been from it and instead focus on experiences and even eliminate the words virtual or digital because I find those rather limiting us well instead what I'm focused on our remote experiences. How am I helping audiences experience a brand in their own remote environments right now? And so how can I still appeal? Thio All of yours sort of senses of well being from a convent of standpoint, from a physical standpoint, emotional standpoint, social standpoint, now, within this space, but with a whole new vocabulary and the way that we're approaching this. And so this sort of answer your question, I will take that forward. I don't know, but what I do know is that we're asking so many new and exciting questions in this process. by opening the door up to brand new book ambulatory that we're using. That ultimately will come to some pretty exciting solutions that will bring to market on a much more accelerated pace. Right, because that sense of urgency is their surrounding all this. This attention from a larger community and that ultimately, is what drives unification and really exciting weights. And so you know someone else through optimised them as part of this and face of in face of tragedy or crisis. There is a sense of optimism, anything Brian upsets you, but you need a ll This and I firmly believe that as well, because ultimately it is when we as a community bring this. Experts used to the table that we work to actually bring innovation to market much faster. And that's something that will change us forever in the way that we work.
spk_0: 45:11
Huh? That is that? It's wonderful Thio here. You could have reaffirmed that we're still thinking like experienced designers, right? With cell thinking. And you know, Mike Michael, you have said this with emotional intelligence, all of those ideas that drove our thinking. I get mad. Well, uh, what makes us experience designers that have focused on that human experience that it still holds true, it's still applicable. It's like thinking about the distributed work model, right rather than kind of being sat next to one another. They're still practices and points of view That whole them. Ali, you know, I know that this is something that we've been thinking about. And, you know, I think next week will show a little bit more of what we've been working on. But you know, what does the virtual conference look like? And as we look at the touch points within a virtual conference experience, you know what the best There is a lot of the same things that we're thinking about, how humans experience, um, the way that they connect with one another and and learned, Uh, and
spk_2: 46:24
I really liked Justin, said Naomi, about removing the word virtual or event and just thinking about them. It's experiences because I find that that's, um that's where people will get traction right When we talk about someone wanting to actually participate and do something, you just set up another webinar with. Here's five sessions in our virtual event and no one cares. But if they heard. This is an experience. This is what it means to you, and this is why you can really learn or grow in a remote environment. Then all of a sudden it does pertain to them and they want to participate. So I really like that that thought process
spk_1: 46:59
there. It's excited. There's an exciting part from I am hearing this and looking from what will call, maybe the outside looking in and someone who's not in the event or experience space and coming at it from the gaming of e sports Face appearing this conversation about creating experience and seeing it from our viewpoint, where we have this cool technology, where we have what a lot of people have been hesitant to immigrate to a CZ digital technology things like streaming twitch, YouTube live and the way we can integrate all that across social. And it's really exciting to hear the interest there because on our space in the gaming in Eastport World, there is this entire new wave of technology which enables these digital first events take place. These digital first experiences and I just can't wait till everyone can step in and utilize those and new and creative ways differently than just we've been doing in the game you could use for space, which is really, like, really exciting to think about.
spk_5: 47:51
I was kind of
spk_8: 47:53
inspired by what you were talking about. Two with the combination between, like EA Sports and what Justin was talking about. I keep thinking about this experience that I had at the Empathy Museum when it was in London. Um, that was the walk a mile in her shoes. Does anybody know that project? So what I think is so you know, might have inspiration for us here is that it took digital recordings of people's stories, and essentially that could have manifested in a 1,000,000 different ways it could been on a website. You just sit and listen to the stories. It could have been in a museum where you're in a sound booth and you listen to it or could been a film. It could have been all of these different, um, applications. But what they did was actually provide you a pair of shoes that were the same size as the person talking, and so you could only listen to the person recording if you fit their shoes and then you. These were timed 10 minute pieces and you literally were asked to go outside and walk for 10 minutes, which is equivalent to about a mile. A lot of people and you came back and you turned your shoes back in. So essentially it is a digital first, but it's completely digital physical, and it doesn't need a V R environment. It's just whatever environment you're in because you're you're in your head because you're hearing it and that I'm maybe I'm not explaining it well enough, but I feel like it did this beautiful job of actually being like a virtual experience. Except you were completely tied to the ground to the physical ground. And you're in your own physical environment. And I wonder if there's applications for gaming or for our experience like exhibit experience design that might pulled from that more
spk_0: 49:35
employing empathy. You know, you know, the one of the things that we had worked time with, the EMP l team ahead of the eye. 360 of them was to think about learning archetypes, and it was this way of, you know, if you look at what Gamification can be defined as the Interaction Design Foundation defines it as being of interactivity essentially tailored to a specific audience. And when working with Intel, we had looked at different learning types, a za way of preparing attendees to make the most of their experience. And I think in many ways where glad you had raised this point on the side bar in the comments here around kind of preparing people ahead of time and a post Cove it 19 world toe make the most out of their experience. But I think that's something on the content side as we think about interactivity and Gamification of content that we've been doing naturally anyway. You know, understanding that we have to help people make the most of this interactive. You need the instructions I make most of them navigating this experience.
spk_9: 50:47
I just really think that's what one of the keys in order to be successful in doing that is, and I'll go back to the emotions aspect is, you know, we're forced now into environments. We were isolated and is Justin said that were remote. Okay, so we're looking through. We're looking through a medium into each other's eyes. They're still that kind of barrier there, even though we can physically see each other. Okay, So how are we using? How can we use Gamification in the whole digital aspects? Anything to really, truly mostly touch someone like a like a major
spk_1: 51:22
motion picture does and says,
spk_9: 51:24
you know, the big love story or a big something that really moves people emotionally, Uh, that helps to release. I think they think that experience design is gonna have to go to that deeper level of touching people in ways that we traditionally haven't touched people before through, you know, a present standard presentation was Something gets through their shows. Power points in those kinds of things.
spk_0: 51:53
How do you break that plane So that then touching is emotional as a person. Physically. Well, so I just wanted to weigh. Have three minutes left. This hour has flown by. I always feel like I just never get enough time talking thio any of you guys. But I'm also so grateful to have heard from everybody. So you know what? I will reach out to you all and see if you can put back in for another session sometimes and put some more because I feel like we need to just keep talking about this. And we have some other kind of good things coming up. Um, just real quick is we've got a couple minutes left here. I'm wondering if anybody can share key takeaway from today's conversation that has inspired them. Any volunteers?
spk_9: 52:45
I'm really My more is about that. That we're gonna go through another age of innovation in another age of evolution and innovation in the way that we are gonna connect with people in ways we've never done before.
spk_0: 53:04
I'm hopeful for that, too. That innovation and maybe that will find ways to get Amy Blackman to love PR way. Have to make a snack of the ley. Me. I don't know what happened.
spk_5: 53:21
It may be the composition must go ahead.
spk_7: 53:25
We can I can I implore the group? I love Justin. What you're saying about vocabulary can come up with a new name for webinar. That's so late nineties like, let's just have a brain jam about what that could be called because it needs to be as cool as remote experiences. Help me, people.
spk_0: 53:44
Yeah. Speaking of Allie and I are doing a webinar next week sometime, right? So we're gonna have maybe have to think about what we call that. Alright, folks. Well, okay, We reached time. Thank you so much for joining. This has been awesome. It's great, kid. Jammy body space experiment, everybody.